
Thank you for your generous gift and financial partnership to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare professionals.

1. Choose an amount:

Or enter your own amount:

Maximize your impact and simplify your charitable giving by making a repeating donation:

Saves time, stamps, and check writing

Breaks your annual giving into manageable amounts

Impact is year-round and immediate

2. Your information:

First Name
Last Name
Address 2
State / Province
Postal Code
Phone Number

3. Tribute information: (Optional)

4. Payment details:

Accepted Cards
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name on Card
Billing Zip Code

Please call CMDA at (888) 230-2637 if you have questions about giving online. Information you provide is strictly confidential. Donations to Christian Medical & Dental Associations are tax-deductible as CMDA is exempt from federal income tax as a registered 501(c)(3).