International CMDA (ICMDA) CMA Support for Ukraine

Thank you for your generous gift and financial partnership to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare professionals.

1. Choose an amount:

Or enter your own amount:

Maximize your impact and simplify your charitable giving by making a repeating donation:

Saves time, stamps, and check writing

Breaks your annual giving into manageable amounts

Impact is year-round and immediate

2. Your information:

First Name
Last Name
Address 2
State / Province
Postal Code
Phone Number

3. Tribute information: (Optional)

4. Payment details:

Accepted Cards
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name on Card
Billing Zip Code

Please call CMDA at (888) 230-2637 if you have questions about giving online. Information you provide is strictly confidential. Donations to Christian Medical & Dental Associations are tax-deductible as CMDA is exempt from federal income tax as a registered 501(c)(3).